Bag-O Taco! (aka Taco in a Bag)

It has been a while since my last post. I have succumbed to diet and exercise. I know, I know… but I’ve lost 43 lbs. and I look hot. I’m still against the diet shit but as it turns out, fat people do not get laid as easily as skinny ones do. Oh sure, there are takers but they’re also fat and I’m totally not into fatties.

I cheat and/or indulge on weekends so I don’t kill myself.. and others.. especially others. Here is my favorite cheat-day snack-popular in the Midwest-made even more awesome by serving it in a bag with no plates to clean later.  This is for 4 people but use your fingers to count how many bags you need if you’re serving more.

  • 4 single serving bags of Doritos, Fritos or favorite tortilla chips
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • 1 pkt taco seasoning
  • 1 can nacho cheese sauce (or any cheese sauce will do)
  • Sour cream (optional)
  • Shredded lettuce (optional)
  • Diced tomato (optional)
  • Refried beans(optional)
  • Guacamole (optional)
  • Sliced black olives (optional)

Brown the ground beef and follow the directions on the taco seasoning packet. Heat the cheese sauce gently (don’t create molten lava here… it’s just warm cheese). Set out any additional toppings so people can get those themselves.

Bag-O Taco
Give 1 bag of Doritos to each person, opened. Scoop right into the bag, 1/4 of the taco meat and cheese sauce to taste. Do this for each bag and then move ’em along to the toppings bar. Get some bottles of Corona and soda of choice… this is ideal for Cinco de Mayo at your local trailer park if you substitute the Corona for Old Style or Milwaukee’s Best.

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