Karo Pie

During WWII when sugar was in short supply and the economy was shit… like now… except sugar isn’t in short supply because Americans have stock piled it in their fat rolls… people looked to other types of sweeteners for wines, pies, etc.  I made these recently to send to my fat brother in NY.  What a bastard.  I send him baked goods to make up for buying my mom a clothes hanger and a knitting needle for her baby shower when she was pregnant with him.  I also put vegetable oil on the wooden stairs during her 9th month.    Me and my silly pranks.

  • 1 box (pound) brown sugar
  • 1 cup Karo Syrup
  • 1 stick butter
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 unbaked pie shells

In a bowl, mix the sugar, syrup and butter.  Combine well.  Stirn in the eggs and vanilla and mix well.  Pour into shells and bak 325 for 40 minutes or until set at least 2 inches from the edges.

This is really rich and great warm with ice cream.  It’s similar to a pecan pie with no pecans… just the awesome filling, almost like a chess pie.

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